Sunday, September 30, 2007

Welcome to Life in Arizona

My two roommates have certainly rubbed off on me, which has led to the creation of this blog. There is so much I would love to update each of you on personally, but have found a lack of time and energy to complete all my desired phone calls and updates.

For this initial post I have compiled a list of things you should know
about my new life in Arizona.

1. I love, love, love my roommates and our sweet home (affectionally called The Strudel)
(Krista, Lori, Me and Diana)

2. I love my staff team. They have been so welcoming and have truly become like family to me. (the whole staff, kids and all, at our staff retreat before the students arrived)

3. The students here are Amazing! The student leaders from the sophomore, junior and senior class did a great job of welcoming my teammate Diana and I into the community here. They are all so eager to learn and grow. While they desire for the ministry to maintain its "family feel," they are excited to love on each new person that comes to our events.
(some of the students on our camping trip to Sedona)

4. I am leading a freshman girls Bible study on Monday nights. We are using this semester to go through 11 key chapters in the Bible. Doing this study our first semester together, allows us to know where everyone is coming from and hopefully get us all on the same page. So far we have studied Genesis 3, Psalm 23 and Psalm 139. I am thrilled to say that we are all getting more comfortable with each other and so each Bible study has led to more opening of hearts to each other. And of course, we love having fun together! Below is a picture of my Bible study on an ice cream date with one of the freshman guy studies.

Overall, it has been a wonderful transition to life in Arizona. There have definitely been adjustments and times of extreme fatigue, but with each day I am more and more excited about the things that God has planned for this year. His hand is clearly heavy upon the staff and the students in the ministry. I will post an update soon on the things that God is revealing to our staff team and how this is impacting not only how we run the ministry, but also, our daily lives.